Welcome everyone! First off, I want to say thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you will find what you're looking for. I started this blog thinking I wanted to focus solely on fitness and my journey from thick to fit. I've decided I want my blog to be much more than that.
When I started my fitness journey I was searching for a vegan to follow for advice and ideas. Let me tell you, there's not a lot to choose from. I'm hoping this will help a lot of people when they are looking for healthy vegan meals. I will try to always include the calories and nutritional content of the recipes I use. You will find the recipes I try and cookbooks I recommend under the "Recipes" page.
I plan on doing the majority of my workouts at home or outside. I want to show people that you can meet your goals without ever stepping inside a gym. A lot of people have a hard time getting to a gym on a regular basis. They either have no place for their kids to go, there is not a gym close by or they may not be open when you're available to go. For me, it's a lot more convenient to workout at home. I also feel like I put more effort into my workouts when I'm by myself because I'm not worried about looking like a hot mess. Under the "Shop" page, you will find the link to my Beachbody page. From there, you can join my team or order products.
If you're like me, you probably look up reviews before purchasing a product. If the good reviews don't outweigh the bad, I don't buy. Under the "Review" page you'll find all of my reviews. I'll do reviews on anything as long as it is vegan/animal friendly; beauty products, workout programs, health foods, pet products, anything. If you're a new company and would like me to review your product feel free to email me.
I am very passionate about charities. There is just something about helping those in need that makes you feel good. The "A Helping Hand" page will contain links to all of the charities that I find. They could be for animal rescue, helping someone with medical bills or school fundraisers. If you know of a charity that needs some exposure, please email me and let me know.
Smile! We all have those days where we are just in a blah mood or down in the dumps. If you're in one of those moods go to the "Smile" page. You will find all things that make you smile or laugh.
Other than the items listed above, you will probably see your fair share of animal posts. I am the founder of a non-profit animal rescue so you will see animals that are for adoption as well as my personal dogs when they're just being cute. You may notice under my welcome image an icon that has a paw print. Click that and it will take you to my animal rescue Facebook page, Rescued Souls.
Thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you find it helpful and informative. Remember, if you have a product you want me to review, a charity you want me to recognize or just have a question feel free to email me.